Friday, January 23, 2009

Don't miss it . . .

Animation and Comics: 
Art, Technology and Social Commentary

Jack Lew, from Electronic Arts; Pat Race with Lucid Reverie in Juneau, and Lee Post, local cartoonist, will present an interactive session on digital animation.

Sydney Lawrence Theater in the Anchorage Performance Arts Center

7:00 to 9 p.m. Friday, January 30th

I'll be talking about everything having to do with illustration that doesn't have anything to do with actually drawing and I'll be working with Pat Race to demonstrate using a illustration tablet to produce illustrations and animations.  Pat and Jack are nationally known animators and will be presenting animated works from their students. It should be an awesome night and its a free event open to the public, not just attendees of the Arts Conference.

Here's your preview of the presentation:

A girl and her bird

In anticipation of my speech next week at the Arts Conference and my show at Urban Greens in June, I'm working on a new series of pictures. They will be based on a few selections from my found photograph collection. Why this girl had a portrait with her stuffed pigeon, I don't know.  Am I happy she did?   Yes.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Illustration Alaska

In antcipation of my talk for the "Comics and Animation Panel" at the State's Arts and Culture Conference on January 29th in the Sydney Lawrence Theater at 7 p.m. (its open and free to the public), I started a new blog Illustration Alaska  to document all the topics I thought could use some more depth and to spotlight illustrators who helped me out in crafting my talk.