Best of YSL #22- Week of February 28, 2006. For the new strips go to www.pixelstrips.com

The reception for the Noble
The parking lot filled up and, for a while there, people were filling the isles looking at prints and waiting for a seat. I got to see a lot of old friends and a handful fans who came to meet me. So thanks to everyone who came out and extra thanks to Noble
The show will be up the rest of February, so if you didn’t
This is a wonderful article on . . . well, me and the strip. My wife would argue it is a celebration of a Northern Irish woman who married a down-on-his-luck cartoonist and improved his life dramatically.
For the record however, I did win the senior class presidential bid. While the influence of the bedwetting vote is unknown, I believe it to be a strong force behind the final vote. They are a secretive bunch.
The cover for the issue features a bunch of the old favorites and for the sake of the new fans, let me run down the characters represented:
(from left to right)